sexta-feira, 9 de março de 2012

Fruit salad - 3ºB

Last Wednesday, 3ºB had special guests , some students parents and grandparents. Students have been learning about food, so to continue they've played some games:

1st one - "Label the food" in a poster with the following labels "quiet tasty", "not so bad" and "I don't like it", during the participation of each group, the rest of the class and family had to raise their paddles if they agree with the labels given to food.

2nd one -  "Guess the fruit" - I've brought a fruit salad (a real one) and in each group a person was blind folded and had to listen his/her group telling the colour of the fruit, then they had to smell and taste the fruit and finally guess it

3rd one - Groups were given a food pyramid and they had to match the names of food with the right level of the pyramid

I think it went very well:)

3ºC - cupcake day

Last Tuesday, 3ºC and 2º C had a different lesson. As they are learning about food, we've prepared a story "Cupcake man" to tell . Students had to stick pictures from the story in their apron. They've also repeated the cupcake man song "Run, run as fast as you can; you can't catch me I'm the cupcake man":)
After that, in groups and with the help from teachers(Anabela e Carla Pinto) and some parents(our special guests) they've baked chocolate and vanilla cupcakes. So much fun and so delicious!!

Na passada terça-feira o 3º C e 2ºC tiveram uma aula diferente.Como estavam a aprender sobre os alimentos, preparamos um conto  "Cupcake man". Os alunos tinham de ouvir e colar imagens de personagens do conto no seu avental. Cantaram também uma pequena canção do cupcake man. Depois , em grupos e com a ajuda das teachers (Anabela e Carla Pinto) e de alguns pais confeccionaram cupcakes de chocolate e baunilha. Tão divertido e delicioso!!