sexta-feira, 25 de maio de 2012

Water cycle -cross curricular activity - 3ºB

Last lesson , in 3ºB lesson we talked about something a little bit different. They were learning about weather and clothes but to articulate english with estudo do meio,  we talked about the water cycle.

This was the video we watched

Na aula passada, no 3ºB falamos de algo um pouco diferente. Estavam até aí a aprender o tempo e o vestuário, mas para articular as disciplinas inglês e estudo do meio, abordamos o ciclo da água.

Este é o video que assistimos:

We've also  made a water cycle spinner
Também fizemos uma roleta do ciclo da água

domingo, 20 de maio de 2012

"What's the weather like today?" -1ºB

Yesterday was a very special day for 1ºB , they've won tickets to go to the Lisbon zoo :) Hoooray!!
In my opinion they've won the competition  specially because they are wonderful kids, they have an amazing TIC teacher: Cristina, and they have very special and motivated parents :) Congratulations 1ºB, Cristina and 1ºB parents!

Let's move on so I can tell you about the english lesson :)
Yesterday we started a new theme: weather . First we played a guess game  with weather drawings on the board, then they learned different answers to the question "What is the weather like?" (It's sunny, It's cloudy, It's rainy, It's snowy, It's windy). We played kim's board game in which they had to close their eyes while the teacher erased one of the weather symbols/drawings on the board, then they had to open their eyes and say which picture was missing.The game continued until there were no pictures on the board and students had to remember the five  kinds of weather.

It's snowy  
It's cloudy

It's sunny

It's windy

It's rainy

Finally students learned a new song "What's the weather like today?" 

What's the weather like today?
It's rainy, it's rainy
What's the weather like today?
It's rainy today

What's the weather like today?
It's snowy, it's snowy
What's the weather like today?
It's snowy today

What's the weather like today?
It's sunny, it's sunny
What's the weather like today?
It's sunny today

What's the weather like today?
It's windy, it's windy
What's the weather like today?
It's windy today

segunda-feira, 14 de maio de 2012

Where are you from? - 4ºC

Today I started to teach a new theme to the 4th grade : Countries and nationalities.
Sometimes the simpliest way is the best and so I decided to use just to materials in this lesson: paper and a world map

First I showed them a map similar to this one and elicit some of the countries names, than I asked them what did all the countries marked on the map had in common( in the map I showed them in each countries there was a flag). Some of them noticed that the flag from Australia had a part similar to the British Flag

And finally they noticed that all the countries marked on the map were english speaking countries.

Than teacher said I'm from Portugal, so I'm Portuguese and pointed to the man in England and asked: If he is from England he is...? (Answer: English) I elicited all the nationalities and they repeated them. The most difficult were Wales-Welsh, Ireland - Irish ;)

Than I gave the tiny bits of paper, in some of them it was a sentence with a country , for example "I'm from Ireland" and in the others there were sentences with nationalities, for example "I'm Irish". First students had to stand up and find their matching pair just by looking and reading the papers of their colleagues. The second time we played the same game but they traded their papers with other colleagues and some of them had to find their matching pairs by asking "Where are you from?" (this time they couldn't look at their colleagues paper). The third time they had to ask "What's your nationality?" to find their matching pair.
We had great fun and I'm sure they really learned in a ludic and more realistic way.(in the real world if they want to know the nationality of someone they have to know these questions they practised today)

To finish the lesson we talked a little bit about the history of the Union Jack , the British flag

domingo, 13 de maio de 2012

o vosso feedback é muito importante

Desculpem voltar a pedir o mesmo, mas precisava que pelo menos todos o membros do blog e o máximo de pais / família dos meus alunos respondessem à pergunta que se encontra no fundo da página.(melhor ainda se todos os visitantes responderem) É rápido e podem escolher mais de uma resposta. É mesmo muito importante ter o vosso feedback e até agora só 4 pessoas responderam.

See you soon!

sábado, 12 de maio de 2012

Can I cross the river mr crocodile? game - 1ºB

Last lesson as a lot of students missed the lesson due to provas de aferição, I decided to revise the theme animals. So we played a game called "Can I cross the river Mr crocodile? , in which students imagine that they were on one side of a river and the teacher was a crocodile.They had a card with a picture of one animal and in order to cross the river they had to ask "Can I cross the river Mr crocodile?" and the "Crocodile" had to say "Only the _______(name of one animal, for example cat).The students with the picture of a cat should try to pass the crocodile without being caught.

After that the students watched an episode of "Tom and Jerry" and revised some vocabulary related to animals and parts of the body.

Finally students  draw Tom the cat in a paper and created an origami hat with that paper.

Na aula passada, como muitos alunos faltaram, devido a provas de aferição, decidi rever o tema “animais”. Assim nós jogamos um jogo chamado "Can I cross the river Mr crocodile?”, em que os alunos imaginaram que estavam  num lado de um rio e a professora era um crocodilo. Eles tinham um cartão com uma foto de um animal e de modo a  atravessar o Rio, tinham que perguntar "Can I cross the river Mr crocodile?" e o "Crocodilo" tinha de dizer "Only the  ______ (nome de um animal,  gato por exemplo).Os alunos com a imagem de um gato deviam  tentar passar pelo crocodilo sem ser apanhados.  
Depois os alunos assistiram um episódio de "Tom e Jerry" e foi feita uma revisão de algum vocabulário relacionado aos animais e partes do corpo.  Finalmente os alunos desenharam Tom, o gato num papel e criaram um chapéu de origami com esse papel.

(esta imagem foi retirada do site rainbow resources)

quinta-feira, 10 de maio de 2012

School - have you got a______? 3ºC

Last lesson one of the exercises was to draw some school materials and in pairs ask "Have you got a _____?" in order to find which materials their classmate had in his/her worksheet. Students also practised the question "Could you lend me a ______?" with the same worksheet.

Na aula passada um dos exercícios foi desenhar materiais escolares e em pares perguntar "Have you got a ____?" de forma a descobrir quais os materiais que o colega tinha na sua ficha/folha. Os alunos também praticaram a questão "Could you lend me a _______?" com a mesma ficha.

quarta-feira, 9 de maio de 2012

questionário sobre impacto do blog

Queria pedir um favor aos membros do blog e aos visitantes em geral, preencham o questionário que se encontra no fundo da página.É muito importante para mim avaliar o impacto do blog nos alunos, família e nos visitantes em geral, assim como compreender se realmente esta iniciativa foi tão positiva para vocês como para mim.
Desde já obrigada.Thank you!
Teacher Anabela

ps: podem escolher mais de uma resposta.

domingo, 6 de maio de 2012

"Mommy I love you" song 1ºB and C

Here's the original song from which I decided to teach a little part to my two 1st year classes. I think it's lovely and I hope the mother's enjoyed listening to their kids singing it.

Aqui está a canção original da qual eu retirei uma pequena parte para ensinar às turmas do 1º ano. Eu considero a canção maravilhosa e espero que as mães tenham gostado de ouvir os filhos a cantá-la. :)

"Mommy, mommy I love you mommy
No chores for you today
Bear hugs and kisses to show how I feel
I love you mommy dear!"

Mother's day recipe book- 3º ano

I hope the mother's from the two 3rd year classes enjoyed their present, the recipe book. 3ºC didn't had time to copy the recipes in the two languages, but I promise that they will copy the recipes in portuguese too next week :)

Here is some photos of two of the recipe books:)

quarta-feira, 2 de maio de 2012

Traditions: 1st of May - May day

The first day of the month of May is known as May Day. It is the time of year when warmer weather begins and flowers and trees start to blossom. It is said to be a time of love and romance. It is when people celebrate the coming of summer with lots of different customs that are expressions of joy and hope after a long winter. 

Traditional English May Day celebrations include Morris dancing, crowning a May Queen and dancing around a Maypole.

O 1º dia do mês é conhecido como May Day . É a altura do ano em que o tempo mais quente começa e as flores e árvore começam a desabrochar. É dito que é o tempo do amor e romance. É quando as pessoas celebram a vinda do Verão com diferentes costumes que são expressão de alegria e esperança após o longo Inverno.

O May Day tradicional inglês  inclui celebrações como (1.)Morris Dancing, (2.)coroar a rainha de Maio e (3.)dançar à volta do Maypole.

May Queen

Maypole dancing

Ps: Em Portugal parece que o tempo de Verão ainda está bem longe, por isso alegremos a vista com estas tradições  interessantes e que nos fazem lembrar de alturas do ano mais solarengas :)